10 FREE Tech Tools

At the Smart Ed Free Tech conferences in Toledo & Cincinnati I will be doing a session on using free web 2.0 tools in the classroom titled "10 Tech Tools You Can Use Tomorrow (for FREE!).
Here are my links and resources:
  1. e.ggtimer.com & nextup.info
  2. wordle.net
  3. wallwisher.com
  4. polleverywhere.com
  5. picasaweb.google.com
  6. edu.glogster.com
  7. Digital Storytelling 
    1. photopeach.com
    2. http://goo.gl/9cqD0 (photostory)
  8. prezi.com
  9. skype.comtwitter.com
  10. Online Class Identity
    1. moodle.com
    2. blogger.com

Check out the POLL EVERYWHERE results 

Social Media Revolution Video